FKKTLib v2021: database administration

On this page, you can add new MolDB6 data collections and edit existing ones.

Available data collections:

Current selection:
ID number:2
Name: FKKTLib_Nov2021
Description: This database contains more than 3500 unique compounds synthesized at Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology of the University of Ljubljana. Most of the structures are present as physical samples.


  Draw structure formulae in the structure editor, add textual data.

  Export data collection entries in SDF or RDF format, respectively.


Add a new data collection with identical settings:

  Create a new, empty data collection with the same data fields as the currently selected one.


Add a new data collection with the following settings:

Name max. 80 characters
Type (SD = structure+data, RD = reaction+data)
Number of digits for bitmap files (e.g. 8 for filenames like 00000123.png)
Number of digits for subdirectories  (e.g. 4 for something like 0002/00020123.png)
Trusted IP addresses
a comma-separated list of max. 10 IP addresses (for extended administrative privileges)